Made two pairs of earrings and an earstretcher .. earstretcher's cookin' in the oven right now, and the earrings are drying..
I made Doughnut earrings with blue sprinkels, I realised that I'd order the wrong kind of colour .. I ordered "sand", and figured, hey, brown is too dark.. but sand was way to .. greyish .. so I'll have to do more doughnuts later when i can afford to buy more clay..cuz right now the doughnuts look like .. uncooked.. and kinda old ..

Oh and i tried to make myself a pair of Very bad koalas earrings, at first I thought I'd make Avery and Irving, but I realised that they'd either be freakishly big, or too small for me to make by hand without any tools, so I thought, hey; I'll just have their heads hanging from my ears(that sounded morbid), so I made Averys head, and had to come to the conclusion that it looked like Averys ugly granny, so
And if you don't know what the heck very bad koalas is, then let the magic link fairy enlighten you
Oh and here's my doughnuts, my camera sucks when there's no daylight so sorry about the crappy pictures but I never seem to be awake when the sun's up, at leats not when I don't have school ..

So yeah, that's todays astonishing accomplishments..
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