torsdag 14 april 2011

Me, me, me..

Well hey, plans for spring break! I'm gonna do a Yoga and juice body/mind cleanse for 7 days, Starting on monday. It's basically drinking fresh vegetable and fruit jucies, combined with broth and cleansing tea(like ginger), Doing some yoga, meditation and pampering the hell out of myself! And like .. long nature-walks and stuff like that, cozy and mellow. But I also have to do a bunch of homework but hey, gotta do what I gotta do, and so on..

So no-no's include

  • Nicotine.

  • Caffeine.

  • Solid food.

  • Alcohol.

  • Stress.

  • Tv, and as much as possible, computers.
So I'm quitting smoking, Coffee is an impossibility, I will start drinking coffee again when the cleanse is over, I love it too much. I guess I could say the same about my beloved cigarettes but I've been smoking for seven frikkin years now so NO! It's fucking time to quit!
"A smoker's a smoker when the chips go down"

So I guess I'm just taking a probably long, well deserved break from smoking 1-2 packs a day. And If, or when I start again, I won't let it get to these amounts.

And since I'm starting slowly to work out a couple of times a week and try to get into some kind of shape again, I need to quit the fags so that my lungs can work properly.

I will be a mean, lean, crazy machine next week, and probably a few weeks after that. I'm worried ofcourse, becuase I've created a bond between my nicotine addiction and my anxiety, I used them to calm me down when I was panicking and having anxiety, and now I get depressed and return to my state of mental isolation when I don't smoke. I just lie in the couch, paralyzed by anxiety, and if something the tiniest bit annoying happens, I lash out and become a tiny, angry hulk that likes to throw stuff. No fun at all.

But hey, no school, nothing I "have to do", I'll just work my hardest to keep stress far far away, and control my emotions the best I can.

So yeah .. that's my spring break plans xD Parteey!

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